Gum Rejuvenation

Receding gums can occur for a variety of reasons, such as age, birth defects, or periodontal disease, putting your teeth at risk and making your smile appear less healthy. If you are suffering from receding gums and feel less confident in your smile, a revolutionary new procedure known as the RejuvaGum Lift ™ can provide the natural rejuvenation you need.

The CENTER for Advanced Periodontal & Implant Therapy is proud to offer the state-of-the-art RejuvaGum Lift ™ to our patients. Dr. Alexandre-Amir Aalam and Dr. Alina Krivitisky are the first periodontists in the US to perform such an innovative new procedure that is enhancing and protecting patients’ smiles. To learn more about this cutting-edge process, contact the CENTER located in Los Angeles today! A beautiful smile is just a phone call away!

What is Gum Rejuvenation?

Receding, damaged gums can be regenerated through a simple procedure called the RejuvaGum Lift ™. The patient’s blood is taken and placed in a centrifuge to separate the white blood cells and platelets from the red blood cells, creating a platelet rich fibrin that will be placed around the receded gums. The platelet rich fibrin helps promote faster healing and regeneration of gum tissue with a reduced chance of pain and infection. The RejuvaGum Lift ™ is also safe and affordable, making it accessible to anyone.

Contact a Gum Periodontist in Los Angeles Today

If you’re suffering from receding gums and looking for an easy, cost-effective solution, the periodontists at the CENTER for Advanced Periodontal & Implant Therapy in Los Angeles can help! Dr. Aalam and Dr. Krivitsky are experts in gum rejuvenation using the RejuvaGum Lift ™ procedure. Contact our center today to schedule a consultation and to learn more about this quick, affordable procedure that will leave your smile healthier and stronger!
Next, read more about RejuvaGum Lift ™.