Reasons for Crown Lengthening

Are you ready to bid farewell to your “gummy” smile? For some Brentwood patients, excessive gum tissue can overshadow their teeth, giving them a short, stubby appearance. At the CENTER for Advanced Periodontal & Implant Therapy, our board-certified periodontists are here to transform your smile with a treatment called crown lengthening. By expertly reshaping your gum line and removing excess tissue, we’ll reveal more of your teeth, creating a balanced, enchanting smile that will leave you beaming with confidence!

Crown lengthening serves more than just aesthetic purposes; it can also be a vital step when your teeth are too short for a dental crown. By recontouring the gum line, we expose more of the tooth’s structure, preparing it for crown placement and increasing the likelihood of successful treatment and tooth restoration. Crown lengthening may even be necessary if you have cavities extending deep into your gum tissue or when more tooth structure is needed for a stable dental restoration.

Aesthetic Crown Lengthening

Transforming Your Gummy Smile Factors like genetics or gingivitis (gum disease) can contribute to a gummy smile, which may leave you with a “baby teeth” appearance, impacting your self-esteem. While a gummy smile may make your teeth appear short, chances are your teeth are actually the proper size – they’re just covered with too much gum tissue.

If you feel your upper lip reveals too much of your gum line when you smile, you may benefit from aesthetic crown lengthening for a wider, fuller grin. Aesthetic crown lengthening in Brentwood will expose more of your teeth in just one visit to the CENTER.

Functional Crown Lengthening

Beyond Aesthetics For some patients, functional crown lengthening is needed to accommodate dental crowns or fill cavities near the gum line. Our expert periodontists will gently access the area, contour the bone, and lower the gum line for crown lengthening. Once the bone is lowered, the cavity can be filled, ensuring long-term dental health and stability.
Crown Lengthening for Crowns
Similarly, crown lengthening is sometimes necessary for successful dental crown placement. Our CENTER periodontists will remove gum tissue and/or bone to reveal more of the tooth, creating the ideal foundation for your new crown. This process ensures the proper fit and function of the crown, preventing potential issues in the future.

Check out our gummy smile before and after cases to see how this procedure can help.

Complementary Procedures

Crafting Your Dream Smile In conjunction with crown lengthening, various periodontal procedures can help you achieve your ultimate smile makeover, including:

  • Lip Repositioning: Paired with crown lengthening, lip repositioning can minimize gum display when you smile. This technique adjusts the position of your upper lip, giving you a more balanced and attractive appearance.
  • Gum Depigmentation: If dark spots mar your gums, gum depigmentation can restore their healthy, pink appearance. Factors like genetics, poor oral hygiene, smoking, or certain medications can cause these “black gums.” With the benefits of gum depigmentation, your smile will look refreshed and vibrant.

Embrace the Benefits of Crown Lengthening: Let Your Radiant Self Shine

The perks of crown lengthening extend far beyond a stunning smile. By skillfully removing excess gum tissue and unveiling more of your teeth, we open the door to a wealth of benefits, including:

  • Improved oral hygiene: Excess gum tissue can hinder proper oral hygiene, heightening the risk of gum disease and tooth decay. Crown lengthening simplifies cleaning and bolsters overall oral health.
  • Boosted self-confidence: A harmonious, well-proportioned smile can work wonders for your self-esteem, empowering you to smile and laugh without a hint of self-consciousness.
  • Enhanced dental restoration success: Crown lengthening lays the groundwork for stable dental crowns and other restorations, fostering durable, triumphant results.

With these advantages in mind, it’s also essential to consider the potential risks and make an informed decision for your dental health journey.

Crown Lengthening Risks and Considerations: Make Informed Decisions on Your Path to a Beautiful Smile

While crown lengthening is a safe and effective procedure, it’s essential to be aware of potential risks and considerations:

  • Temporary tooth sensitivity: Exposing more of your teeth can result in temporary sensitivity to hot and cold, which usually resolves over time.
  • Changes in tooth appearance: Crown lengthening can alter the appearance of your teeth and may require additional dental work, such as veneers or bonding, for optimal aesthetics.
  • Healing time: Full recovery can take several weeks to months, depending on the extent of the procedure and individual healing factors.

As you ponder the potential risks and considerations, it’s vital to weigh them against the numerous benefits of crown lengthening. Armed with this knowledge, you can make an informed decision about your dental journey.

Ready for Crown Lengthening in Brentwood? Contact the CENTER Today!

At the CENTER, our periodontal office is devoted to offering patients a warm, inviting space for exceptional periodontal care. To learn more about our periodontal services, schedule a consultation with Los Angeles periodontists Dr. Alexandre-Amir Aalam or Dr. Alina Krivitsky today by calling 424-398-8322.

Next, discover more about other Gum and Osseous Surgery Treatments like gum graftspocket reduction surgery, and sinus augmentation. These procedures can help address a variety of dental concerns and improve your overall oral health, ensuring a radiant and confident smile that lasts a lifetime. 

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